You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.7. Favourites > 12.7.2. View My Contracted Products

View My Contracted Products

Micronet ECOM can also be configured to display contract items for a customer. When configured, Micronet displays a Contracted Products screen listing all the items on contract for the customer, except for promotional items (which are available under View Specials).

To view your contracted items:

  1. Select the Favourites button on the navigation bar.
  2. Select View My Contracted Products at the top right of the screen.

All contract items are displayed (except for promotional items), even if they are on different contracts.

  1. You can search for items within the Contracted Products list by entering the search text at the top of the screen.


Technical Tip

If your search returns no results, you can select the Search Site Wide button to perform the search on all items on the ECOM site. This is the same as selecting the Search button at the top of the screen – see "Searching for Items".

  1. To add a contract item to your current order, enter the quantity in the quantity field for that item then select the shopping cart button to confirm the quantity.

All the other functions that are available when you are placing an order are also available on the Contracted Products screen. For more information, see either "Placing an Order in List View" or "Placing an Order in Grid View".